08/09/2007 - Visualize your data in Web applications with Chart ModelKit 3.5.

The work of a contemporary business is connected to the analysis of a great amount of data. That’s why, it is very important to visually represent these data. The most optimal way to make information understandable is to represent it in the form of charts and graphs. This problem is solved by integration of the charts elements into the designed applications for data visualization. But the process of such applications creation faces the problem of the search for an easy-to-use and flexible graphical component which is capable of providing a complex solution for visual data representation.

Perpetuum Software LLC offers the developers a new version of Chart ModelKit™ 3.5. The product is intended for designing 2D charts and graphs and integrating them into data visualization applications. A new version includes a Web Forms Viewer which allows the display of charts and graphs in ASP.NET applications. Now you can use the whole product functionality for building high–quality interactive charts in Web Forms applications.

Chart ModelKit™ differs from analogous components by full chart elements customization according to the demands of the ordering party. The fully-functional WYSIWIG designer allows editing chart elements, creating charts from scratch, and designing complex chart configurations that are impossible to build using other approaches. There is no necessity to write any code since everything can be done visually. Just click a chart element with a mouse and get access to all element’s properties. The advanced data binding model allows the creation of charts on the basis of any .Net data sources, including the ADO.NET, IList, IListSource objects. It is also possible to create unbound charts. If it is necessary the source data can be processed with the use of the built-in expression language. To calculate data a developer can set an expression which fully addresses the client task. The resulting values will be displayed in the chart.

A rich library of series types and a set of standard chart elements gives a free hand in creation of charts which are fully correspond to the demands of the ordering party. The Chart ModelKit™ object architecture allows the creation of non-standard charts and graphs which are easily integrated into Windows and Web Forms applications.

Chart ModelKit™ 3.5 is included in the .Net Dashboard Suite™ 3.5 package to provide a solution of a wide range of graphical data representation problems. This pack of components allows the creation of interactive digital dashboards with the use of charts and instruments on a single form.

Offer a high-quality solution of data visualization problems to your client!

Download Chart ModelKit™ 3.5.

About company:
Perpetuum Software specializes in development of high-quality .NET and ASP.NET software components compatible with MS Visual Studio .NET, C# Builder, Delphi .NET and other IDEs supporting .NET Framework. Such use-proven components as Report Sharp-Shooter™, Instrumentation ModelKit™, OLAP ModelKit™, Chart ModelKit™, the .NET Dashboard Suite™ and other .NET components by Perpetuum Software are already well known on the software development market and are used by developers in more than 60 countries.

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As a Gold Certified Partner in the Microsoft Partner program, Perpetuum Software has been providing a wide range of Microsoft Visual Studio components for over 8 years. Perpetuum Software product lines include WinForms, WPF, ASP.NET, HTML5, Silverlight, Windoes 8 and Mobile components, and tools for SQL Server Reporting Services. Among them are .NET reporting tool, OLAP component, and such data visualization libraries as gauge and charting products.