Sherpa Software Systems is a software development firm specializing in work and quality management systems for the electric utility industry. Their software is used in some of the largest utilities in United States.
When Sherpa started on a project to rewrite their software in .net, using a combination of WinForms and asp.net, one of the first tasks was to select a small set of third party components to speed development and focus the effort on business functionality, not “reinventing the wheel.”
Any components considered had to of top quality, be well supported, and have source code available. Because Sherpa’s clients use their software in mission-critical applications, most will not allow any components without source code to be used.
Sherpa originally considered Perpetuum only for Report Sharper-Shooter, but in evaluating the full suite, found that the instrumentation and OLAP components were the best available anywhere, and purchased a multi-seat license for the entire suite.
“Our programmers are very happy with SharpShooter Collection – the functionality is excellent, any time we have needed support, it has been great” stated Kevin Tory, the President of Sherpa. “The OLAP component has allowed us to give our customers incredible functionality with very little coding, and they love SharpShooter’s export to PDF and Excel. We have recently started doing some development in Silverlight, and the new Silverlight version of Sharp-Shooter is fantastic. Reporting is the weakest aspect of Silverlight, but not when you have Sharp-Shooter.”
Perpetuum’s Suite has proven itself – Sherpa has been developing applications with it for over three years, and those applications have been used by thousands of users.
“Choosing Perpetuum .Net ModelKit was one of our best decisions when we started development. We were able to create a better product faster. Having the source code has been very instructive for our programmers – they have learned new programming techniques, and while we have not had to make any changes of bug fixes ourselves, knowing that we can gives us a great sense of security.”