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Report in WPF from Collection Object
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Stefano Pranzo 01/25/2020 21:53
Report in WPF from Collection Object

Report in WPF from Collection Object

Good morning.
I have a class so composed:
public class FatturaElettronica
/// <summary>
/// NameCostumer
/// </summary>
private string mNameCostumer;

/// <summary>
/// NameCostumer
/// </summary>
public string NameCostumer
return mNameCostumer;
mNameCostumer = value;

/// <summary>
/// Details
/// </summary>
private ObservableCollection<FatturaElettronicaRow> mDetails;

/// <summary>
/// Details
/// </summary>
public ObservableCollection<FatturaElettronicaRow> Details
return mDetails;
mDetails = value;

I need to be able to generate a Master Detail Report with the data of this class.
I can't find any examples of how to pass the class as a data source to the report in WPF. only WinForm with the ReportManager. But in WPF I don't find the Report Manager.
How can I do?
Thank you.